
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 17:17:44
希望 能唤回 珍惜 我这辈子的爱 最爱

sorry,I didn't cherish.

能唤回to retrieve
我这辈子的爱the love in my whole life.

最爱My best love

`I am sorry I did not treasure
I cherish the hope to regain the love favorite in this life

Sorry , I didn't treasure you before.
I hope I will get back and treasure my love, true love.~~

呵呵~~不是机译 应该没问题~~ 祝你成功~ ^ ^

I'm sorry
Do not treasure our love
I hope
Can just retrieve our love
To treasure you
My only true love
In my whole life

i'm sorry that i did not treasure it
Hope that i can retrieve our love and treasure it, the true love in my whole life,my best love .